
Welcome to our new site with a spankin' new interface. Even though the site itself appears to be more colorful, the structure has been kept simple and in parts made even easier to navigate. The general theme is simplicity.

Once you are logged in you will notice the "Quick Downloads" module, which gives you direct download links to our free extensions. The documentation for each extension can be accessed from each extension profile page.  We have switched over to Ambrasubs by Dioscouri to make the purchasing process as pleasent as possible and a great little plug-in by Nicholas allows you to purchase and register at the same time, saving you even more time. It will also calculate the proper VAT rate based on the country you live in. The forum has also been updated to the latest Agora 3.0 and we hope you enjoy the new looks and usability.

You can expect Joomailer 1.0, our Campaign Monitor integration for Joomla! to be ready next. And  the fans of the Content Uploader can now upload K2 articles with the pro version. Sign up to register for our newsletter to receive the latest updates on our extensions.

These were the highlights, have fun exploring the rest of the site.

